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2021下半年江蘇教師資格面試初中英語《David’s Hobbies》教案

2021-12-15 10:10:56
  【導(dǎo)讀】2021年下半年江蘇教師資格面試考試時(shí)間是2022年1月8—9日,為了幫助各位小伙伴,江蘇省教師資格網(wǎng)為大家?guī)沓踔杏⒄Z《?《David’s Hobbies》》教案分享,詳情看下文:
2021下半年江蘇教師資格面試初中英語《David’s Hobbies》教案

David’s Hobbies

  I.Teaching Contents

  依據(jù)課型,緊抓主題,書寫 1-2 句話。

  The passage is about hobbies. It points out the benefits brought by hobbies and introduces David Smith’s hobbies and how his writing hobby brings him pleasure and success.

  II. Teaching Aims


  (1)Knowledge Aim: Students can know the development of David’s writing hobby.

  (2)Ability Aims: Students can improve their reading ability to catch the key and detailed information. Students can improve their speaking ability to talk about their hobbies.

  (3)Emotional Aim: Students can realize the importance of developing good hobbies

  III. Teaching Key and Difficult Points

  (1)Teaching Key Points: How to improve students’reading abilities through activities. How to help students retell the development of David’s writing hobby freely and correctly.

  (2)Teaching Difficult Point: Students can realize benefits brought by developing good hobbies.

  IV. Major steps


  Step1 Lead-in (2 minutes)

  After daily greetings, teacher shows students the photos of Hanhan and Langlang.

  Then asks the studentsto discuss the achievements of these two people and think about the reasons for their success. Both of them are very fond of writing and playing the piano, and they have made a lot of efforts to their hobbies as well as achieve great achievements from their hobbies.

  【Justification】Draw the attention of this class through the vivid characters in life, which can arouse students’ interest and improve their enthusiasm in class.(導(dǎo)入盡量要選擇貼近生活或形式豐富多彩的活動(dòng),從而吸引學(xué)生興趣。)

  Step2 Pre-reading (3 minutes)


  Before class, the teacher leads the students to have a heated discussion and gives them two minutes to discuss the following questions.

  (1)What are your hobbies?

  (2)How do you develop your hobbies?

  2. Recalling and Thinking

  Besides the teacher will let students recall some knowledge and vocabulary about interests and hobbies, then have a deep thinking about it. And students also need to students should give reasons for their hobbies.

  Do you think hobbies are good for you? Why? After the two minutes, some students will be invited to share their thoughts. Students who answer actively will be praised appropriately, and those who cannot answer will be encouraged.

  【Justification】Discussion before class can not only stimulate students’ old knowledge, but also inspire students to think positively and prepare for the new knowledge to prepare for the reading.(讀前活做到預(yù)測和為讀中環(huán)節(jié)做準(zhǔn)備的目的。)

  Step3 While-reading (10 minutes)

  1.Fast reading

  Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and then concludes the main idea of each paragraph.

  2.Careful reading

  (1)Teacher asks students to read the passage again and answer the following questions:

  What are the advantages of hobbies to people according to the passage?

  How did David develop his writing ability during summer vacation?

  What did David do after He went back to school?

  What other hobby does David have?

  (2)Teacher asks students to read the passage for the third time and concludes the development of David’s writing hobby.

  【Justification】Different ways of exploiting the text can help students not merely to cope with the text in class but to develop students’ fast reading and careful reading abilities.(讀中環(huán)節(jié)活動(dòng)要讀文本進(jìn)行精細(xì)閱讀,精讀詞匯、句式,精讀文章大意內(nèi)涵,做好知識輸入環(huán)節(jié)。)

  Step4 Post-reading (3 minutes)

  1.Teacher asks students to have a try to retell the passage according to the above table and chooses two students to show in front of the whole class.

  2.Teacher asks students to work in pairs to talk about the development of their hobbies, and then let three pairs to show in class. For example:

  S1: What is your hobby?

  S2: My hobby is …

  S1: When do you like ...?

  S2:…What is your hobby?

  S1: ...

  【Justification】Through the practice, students ’ speaking ability to talk about their hobbies can be trained, and the atmosphere in class can be activated.(讀后環(huán)節(jié)活動(dòng)多以小組、 結(jié)對活動(dòng)形式展開,進(jìn)行調(diào)查、辯論、報(bào)告、競賽等多種輸出活動(dòng),達(dá)到前面所學(xué)習(xí)的語言知識輸出、 鍛煉交際能力的目的。)

  Step 5 Summary & Homework (2 minutes)

  1.Summary: Teacher asks one student to summarize the knowledge what they have learned and invite another student to make a supplement.

  2.Homework: Students can do a survey of the hobbies of their parents and share the results with classmates next class.

  【Justification】Lead the students to summarize and consolidate the knowledge learned in this class, and assign open homework to extend the knowledge learned in class to the outside of class.(教師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生總結(jié)鞏固本節(jié)課知識內(nèi)容,作業(yè)布置以開放性和探究性作業(yè)為主。)


  David’s Hobbies

  以上就是2021下半年江蘇教師資格面試初中英語《?David’s Hobbies》教案的全部內(nèi)容,考生如果想獲得更多關(guān)于江蘇教師資格證相關(guān)資訊,如中學(xué)教師、報(bào)考指南、成績查詢、面試時(shí)間以及相關(guān)知識,敬請關(guān)注我們江蘇教師資格網(wǎng)。

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